Mass Schedule Monday-8:00am Tuesday-7:00pm Wednesday-8:00am Thursday-8:00am Friday-8:00 am Saturday Vigil- 4:00 pm & 6:00pm Confessions 2:30 -3:30 pm Sunday-7:45am & 10:00am |
Eucharistic Adoration: The first Friday of every month, beginning after the 8:00 am Mass - 3:00 pm.
Coffee and donuts are served after every Sunday Mass in the Parish Hall from September through Mid-May. Please stop by for refreshments and socialize with your fellow parishioners. Donations and volunteers are always welcome.
Altar Service
Service at the altar is open to all young men and women that have received their First Holy Communion. Service is
provided for all Masses, Weddings and Funerals. If you are interested in Altar Service, please contact Church office
Ushers are needed at all Masses to help visitors and parishioners feel welcome. Ushers are responsible for greeting,
assisting with seating, collection, communion procession, and bulletin distribution. To volunteer as an usher, please contact the Church office 850 234-3266.
Sacristans set up and maintain the vestments, vessels, altar cloths, and bread/wine for weekday and Sunday Masses.
To volunteer as a Sacristan, please call the Church office 850-234-3266.
provided for all Masses, Weddings and Funerals. If you are interested in Altar Service, please contact Church office
Ushers are needed at all Masses to help visitors and parishioners feel welcome. Ushers are responsible for greeting,
assisting with seating, collection, communion procession, and bulletin distribution. To volunteer as an usher, please contact the Church office 850 234-3266.
Sacristans set up and maintain the vestments, vessels, altar cloths, and bread/wine for weekday and Sunday Masses.
To volunteer as a Sacristan, please call the Church office 850-234-3266.
Music & Choirs
The musical ministry accompanies all weekend Masses, sacramental liturgies, and other events and celebrations. Choirs serve at the 7:45 am and 10:00 am Sunday Masses. If you are interested in joining the Choir contact:
Yvette Valenti
Music Director
Yvette Valenti
Music Director
1214 Moylan Rd. Panama City Beach, Fl 32407 T: 850-234-3266 F: 850-233-1177